Blog #3
I enjoyed Boyd thoughts and position on the “digital native” because it not only discussed important key points, but I believe that it also helped me understand why I couldn’t commit to being “digital native” or “digital immigrant” in my previous post. According to Prensky I fall into the “digital native” category being born after 1980, but I still don’t feel that way. Yes I can easily navigate the web, prefer graphics to standard simple text, and grew up in the ‘right’ decade, but I still believe that I straddle both digital labels because despite all my tech fluency I still do not understand HOW my computer actually works. That is why I go running to the school IT teacher when I click too fast and accidentally download something that I believe to be detrimental to my computer (OMG! Is it a virus!?!). Boyd said,“[t]echnical skills are increasingly important. Few teens have a basic understanding of how the computer systems they use every day work.” If teens are the d...
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