If you told me two years ago that I would be teaching ESL in a high school setting, I would have rolled my eyes and told you that you were crazy. High school had always been my thing, but anywhere in the Secondary English Language Arts world was my ultimate goal. I grew up with a love for reading and writing. I had a healthy appetite for books and stories. I even kept a journal full of my deepest darkest secrets with a lock. That locked got picked from time to time by my brother and his delinquent friends but that never swayed my dreams of someday becoming a teacher. But sometimes life just doesn’t go as planned and I honestly happy that I choose to accept my position as a level 4 esl teacher. And now my lofty dreams aren’t anything I long for anymore. I love my students and the work we do. Seeing them acquire language and their growth throughout the academic year is truly amazing and rewarding. I love my job, but a problem I have is how in certain classes my students...